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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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Industrial X-ray complexes based on the latest generation of electron accelerators UEL-15-D, UEL-10-D, UEL-8-D, UEL-6-DД, UEL-3-D are intended for detecting internal defects in large-scale steel products (welded structures, castings, forgings, rolled pieces, etc.), 50 to 600 mm thick, by examination with X-ray beam.

Schematic of the radiographic system The irradiator of the radiographic complex
Schematic of the radiographic system The irradiator of the radiographic complex

The X-ray beam passed through an inspected object is recorded on the X-ray film. Standard size of the X-ray film is 300x400 mm.

An advantage of the radiographic method is the possibility for inspection of objects with thickness up to 600 mm for steel. The radiographic sensitivity is better than 1 %.

The primary conical collimator forming the radiation field is placed inside the irradiator independently of its modification. The collimator with movable diaphragm jams, mounted on the accelerator for radiographic inspection, allows us to choose necessary size of the radiation field. For pointing the irradiator on area under inspection the laser beam is used.

The irradiator for radiography is mounted on a special yoke enabling changes of its location relative to an object under inspection. The irradiator rotation angle in horizontal plane is from +180° (rightwards) up to -135° (leftwards); in the vertical plane -from +45° (upwards) up to -95°(downwards).

Using a specially designed yoke the irradiator is installed on the electric crane ensuring its travel in horizontal and vertical directions. Maximum horizontal travel of the irradiator, and vertical directions. Maximum horizontal travel of the irradiator, 100 m, depends on the length of cables and hoses connecting its with fixed equipment. Distance from target to inspected object is usually 1-2 m.

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