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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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The facility is designed for development and investigation of novel ion-plasma nanotechnologies, as well as for realization of ion nitriding and coating deposition technologies for various commercial products.

Plasmatekh-M facility


Ion nitriding, plasma surface treatment and coatings deposition to improve materials surface properties:

  • wear-resistant,
  • anti-corrosive,
  • heat-resistant,
  • protective,
  • anti-emission,
  • decorative.

These properties are ensured by ion nitriding and coating deposition of:

1. any metals

2. metal nitrides

3. metal carbides

4. metal oxides

5. carbon coatings

The methods used:

• ion nitriding

• treatment in glow and abnormal glow discharge

• treatment by cathode spots of vacuum arc

• vacuum arc coating deposition (with/without macroparticles filtering)

• magnetron coatings deposition (stationary and pulsed mode including HIPIMS technology)

Facility composition and technical characteristics:

• Water-cooled vacuum chamber 1 m3 in volume

• Oil free vacuum pumping system ensuring background pressure of 5x10-5 Pa

• System for in-chamber heating of samples with temperature control

• Technological gas supply system (four channels)

• Substrate bias supply system

• System of ion and plasma treatment of samples (glow and abnormal glow discharge, vacuum arc plasma, special ion sources)

• System of plasma coatings deposition (filtered/unfiltered arc sources and magnetron sources)

Features: Possibility to realize ion and plasma treatment of materials surfaces, coatings deposition processes and their different combinations.

Diagnostic and accessories:

• Scanning electron microscope Phenom 3G ProX with x100,000 magnification and determination of the chemical composition of the samples (both conductive and non-conductive materials).

• Metallographic microscope METAM LV-41 with x2000 magnification and possibility of digital imaging for processing and analysis.

• Tribometer Calowear (CSM Instruments) for determination of the coatings thickness (> 100 nm) and coatings wear resistance (spinning ball on a flat substrate).

• Microhardness tester PMT-3M with a load range from 0.0196 N to 4.9 N.

• Precision cutting, grinding and polishing machines for probes preparation.

• Ultrasonic bath for sample pre-cleaning.

• Drying oven (up to 500C) for samples thermal treatment.


1. D.A. Karpov, V.N. Litunovsky "Multilayer nanostructures and nanocomposites - a new generation of coatings to modify the surface properties of materials", Review O-103, FSUE “D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus”, St. Petersburg, 2008, 93 p. (in Russian).

2. D.A. Karpov, V.N. Litunovsky "Plasma-immersion ion implantation (PIII): physical bases, use in technologies", Review O-104, FSUE “D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus”, St. Petersburg, 2009, 65 p. (in Russian).

3. D.A. Karpov, V.N. Litunovsky "Non-traditional technologies of the material surface property modification with concentrated energy fluxes”, Review O-105, FSUE “D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus”, St. Petersburg, 2012, 27 p. (in Russian).

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