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«D.V.Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus»
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The arc filtering system is designed to filter (to purify) the arc source generated plasma flow from macrodrops and macroparticles. Its operation principle consists in plasma-optical transportation of the charged plasma component through a curvilinear channel optically opaque to macrodrops and macroparticles.

Technical characteristics 
Transmission coefficient of plasma flow 0,5
Consumed power, kW 2,4
Magnetic field on system axis, G 500-700
Mean system radius, m 0,5
Plasma guide diameter, mm 140
Number of electromagnetic coils 7
Rated current of electromagnetic coils, A 3,5-5,0

The Efremov arc filtering system installed on the PETRA plasma technological facility at the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, Germany Arc filtering system
The Efremov arc filtering system installed on the PETRA plasma technological facility at the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics, Germany Arc filtering system


1. D.A. Karpov Plasma technologies for coating deposition, Novye Promyshlennye Tekhnologii, 2003, issue 1, pp.38-41 (in Russian).

2. H. Bolt, F. Koch, J.L. Rodet, D. Karpov, S. Menzel, Al2O3 coatings deposited by filtered vacuum arc - characterization of high temperature properties. Surface and Coatings Technology 116-119 (1999) 956-962.


ProductDelivery yearCustomerCountry
Arc filtering system 1998 Forschungszentrum Julich Germany
Arc filtering system 1998 Forschungszentrum Rossendorf Germany

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