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Svetlana laser

Electric discharge excimer KrF- and ArF-laser Svetlana with bestiatron feed system generates the radiation pulses of ultraviolet spectrum. It is intended for technological and research purposes, and also as a part of the environmental control installations.

Laser medium ArF KrF
Emission wavelength, nano-m 193 248
Maximum pulse power, mJ 250 680
Maximum pulse-repetition rate, Hz 200 300
Maximum average power, W 40 115
Radiation pulse duration (by half-height), nano-sec 30 33
Pumping light section at the resonator outlet, mm 27x6 27x11
Radiation stability, % 2 2
Beam divergence 4.0x1.5 4.0x1.5
Maximum power consumption, kW 8 8

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